Guide to Clean Hotel Room in 30 Minutes

Step-by-Step Guide to Clean Hotel Room in 30 Minutes!

For a housekeeping staff, time management is of utmost importance. They not only need to do their job well, they need to do it as quickly as possible. They have added pressure of not inconveniencing guests inside the room or those arriving soon. There is no telling what is in store for them for the day – guests who turn the room inside out or visitors who are constantly on party mode. In such situations, time- management tends to go a little helter-skelter. But with the right training and equipment, it is possible to clean a room in 30 minutes, even the ones that resemble a frat house. In this blog, we are going to show you just how with a step-by-step guide.

To begin with wear appropriate gloves and do not forget the hotel’s policy of knocking and announcing. At most hotels, its two-knock and two-announcements rule. Knock once from outside the door and say ‘housekeeping’. Upon entering the room announce ‘housekeeping’ again, in case the guest didn’t hear it the first time.

Start with beds!


Always start the cleaning process by stripping the sheets. You can use the sheet as a package for all bed linen that needs to go to the laundry from the room. This will help you keep the cleaning process organized from the very start.

Check out the bed!


Inspect the bed and mattress for any stains and hair. Smoothen the mattress and make the bed according to the hotel’s policies. When done, check all sheets, covers, pillows thoroughly for stains, tears, and hair.

Trash the Trash!


Next get to the rubbish, all the rubbish. Empty the trash cans and check every nook and corner of the room where rubbish can reach, even the drawers. Getting these out of the way will give you some space to manoeuvre.

Go for the dust!


Dust room from the top of every furniture to the bottom of every chair. From art work, window sills, to lamp shades and television. For quick and thorough cleaning use micro-fibre cloth as it immediately traps dust, dirt, and grime, leaving a pristine surface.

Wipe surfaces clean!


All hard surfaces should be wiped clean to clear any spills, cup rings, etc. Again, use a micro-fibre cloth for quick and efficient work. You could also take help of chemicals like Tilex for removing mildew that grows overtime. Make sure all high contact areas like table, door handles, remote controls, telephone, iron and any devices in the bathroom like hair-dryer, are thoroughly sanitized.

Get to the bathroom!


This one can be a real task for you need to clean every surface and every corner. One little strand of hair left behind in a corner can cause pretty big embarrassment. Special attention should be paid to cleaning toilet seats and handles. All traces of the previous guest must be removed, even the watermarks on the Chrome. Change the shower curtain if dirty, replace bath towels and hand towels, and you are done in the bathroom.

Replace complementary items:


Next go replacing items that are provided by the hotel including soaps, shampoos, conditioner, body lotion, tea, coffee, laundry bags, and so on. Replace fresh glassware and mugs with used ones and set clocks to the set to the correct time with the alarm off.

Check pillows, throws and curtains are just as they should be.


Take a moment to fluff the pillows and straighten the throws, ensuring everything looks inviting for the next guest. A well-presented bed can make all the difference in creating a welcoming atmosphere.

Vaccuum last!


Always vacuum last and when done inside, vacuum outside too. While vacuuming check the carpet for any damage or stains. Remove any spots from food, drink or makeup using spot remover. Vacuuming is important as it helps to maintain hotel carpets, prevent the build-up of dust and if done correctly will lift carpet pile.

Once done, spray a mild air-freshener and set a balanced temperature.


This little touch will leave the room smelling fresh and inviting for your guests. Remember to check the thermostat to ensure it’s set to a comfortable temperature, making their arrival even more pleasant.

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